Our teachers use a variety of strategies to assess student learning.
a nationwide service that provides 24/7 telephone and online counselling to people who are affected by suicide, experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
Phone 24/7: 1300 659 467
Online Chat 24/7
Kids Helpline is Australia's only free, private and confidential 24/7 phone counselling, crisis support and online counselling service for young people aged 5-25.
Their website also provides information for teachers, parents and carers on a range of topics
Phone: 1800 55 1800 24/7
Confidential information, counselling and support service , open 24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.
Call 24/7: 1800 737 732 / Interpreter: 13 14 50
Online Chat 24/7
Carer Line offer emotional support, referrals and distibute carer specific resources and information to carers and community members
Phone: 1800 422 737 8am-5pm Monday-Friday
A mental health professional will answer your call about mental health concerns for you or someone you are concerned about, including children, teens, adults and older people
Phone 24/7: 1800 011 511
Calm Harm provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. you can add your own tasks too and it's completely private and password protected.
App Store & Google Play
Clear Fear: The fear of threat, or anxiety, is like a strong gust of wind. It drags you in and makes you want to fight it or run away. Instead, face your fear with the free Clear Fear app and learn to reduce the physical responses to threat as well as changing thoughts and behaviours and releasing emotions.
Website, App Store & Google Play
My Compass: Are you feeling the preassures of study, finding a job or starting a career? It has an interactive self-help service that aims to promote resilience and well being for people experiencing mild to moderate stress, anxiety and/or depression
ReachOut WorryTime intererrupts repetitive thinking by setting aside your worries until later, so you don't get caught up in them and can get on with your day. This means you can deal with worries once a day, rather than carrying them around with you 24/7.
App store & Google play
Smiling Mind is a meditation app for young people. It has been developed by a team of psychologiests and uses mindfulness to boost calmness, contentment and clarity. Mindfullness meditation has been shown to help manage stress, resilience, anxiety, depression and improve general health and wellbeing
Website, App store & Google play
WellMind App is designed to help you with stress, anxiety and depression. The app includes advice, tips and tools to improve your mental health and boost your wellbeing
App store
Bite Back: Promoting resilience and wellbeing in 12-18 year old's through activities
BRAVE-ONLINE: is an evidence-based cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) available online to help children (8-12) and teenagers (13-17) cope with anxiety
SANE Australia supports people living with complex mental health issues and the people that care about them
Call 24/7 1800 187 263 10:00am - 10:00pm
Webchat 10:00am - 10:00pm
Headspace provides support for both young people, their family and friends. Resources can be accessed on their website via the 'Information and Support' drop down menu.
They also offer online support, headspace also offers group chats where friends and family can join with clinicians and you leaders for Q&A discussions.
Group Chat
QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTIA+ peer support and referral for people wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
Phone: 1800 184 527 3pm - 10pm
Webchat 3pm - 12am
For all ages - 24-hour crisis support telephone service. Lifeline provides 24/5 crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Call 24/7: 13 11 14 Text: 0477 131 114 6pm-12am
Crisis Support Chat 7pm-12am
Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live
Child Protection Helpline
Call 24/7 13 21 11
Aboriginal student support
We are committed to closing the achievement gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. We know that we need to learn about, nurture and value the cultural identity of our Aboriginal students to help them be successful learners.
We welcome Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family members, parents and carers, as well as community members to our school so that we can get to know each other, learn about the local Aboriginal community and develop shared goals and plans for Aboriginal students.
The Aboriginal Education Policy confirms the NSW Department of Education’s commitment to improvement in educational outcomes and wellbeing for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
Multicultural education
Our school welcomes students, families and community members from all cultural backgrounds. We appreciate difference and diversity and aim to provide a culturally inclusive and responsive environment that benefits all students.
Our teaching and learning programs develop intercultural understanding, promote positive relationships and enable all students to participate as active Australian and global citizens. Our school fosters student wellbeing and community harmony by implementing anti-racism and anti-discrimination strategies that encourage engagement by parents and carers from all backgrounds.
The Multicultural Education Policy outlines the NSW Department of Education’s commitment to providing opportunities that enable all students to achieve equitable education and social outcomes and participate successfully in our culturally diverse society.
The Anti-Racism Policy confirms the department’s commitment to rejecting all forms of racial discrimination in NSW public schools and eliminating expressions of racism in its learning and working environments.
For more information refer to:
Supporting English language learners
Learning English is essential for success at school and effective participation in Australian society. We can provide specialist support to help students learning English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D).
For more information refer to: EAL/D education.
Supporting refugee students
Schools offer safety, support and security to help refugee students adjust to life in Australia and participate successfully in education. Targeted support strategies are provided to assist refugee students in NSW public schools.
For more information refer to: Supporting refugee students.
Learning support
The school’s learning and support team plays a key role in ensuring we meet the specific needs of students with additional learning and support needs, including disability.
The team:
- supports teachers in identifying and responding to the additional learning needs of students
- facilitates and coordinates a whole-school approach to improving the learning outcomes of every student
- coordinates planning processes and resourcing for students with additional learning and support needs
- designs and implements the support required to build teacher capacity so that all students access quality learning
- develops collaborative partnerships with the school, parents and carers, as well as other professionals and the wider school community.
For more information on programs and services to help students with additional learning and support needs visit Disability, learning and support.
Bullying of any kind is not acceptable in NSW schools.
The NSW anti-bullying website brings together information and resources for teachers, students, parents and carers. It helps to identify, prevent and respond effectively to student bullying, including online bullying. It provides information about online safety and what you can do if your child has been bullied, witnessed bullying or been involved in bullying.
For more information on anti-bullying strategies for NSW public schools refer to the department’s Bullying of Students – Prevention and Response Policy.
For information on racial bullying and anti-racism education for NSW public schools refer to:
Student leadership
Student leadership helps young people find their voices, participate in decision-making, and understand their rights and responsibilities as active citizens. It helps students have a real impact on their learning and school environment and prepares them to participate meaningfully in their community.
Students can be leaders in the classroom, through their actions in the playground, through their support for others, or their involvement in academic, sporting, cultural or local community events or projects.
For more information about opportunities in NSW public schools visit Student voice and leadership.
Oxley High cares for the welfare of all of its students and in 2018, in conjunction with Headspace Tamworth, introduced two ways for students and parents to pro-actively approach bullying.
The Bullybox App
The BullyBox is an anonymous, multi-platform, mobile reporting application.
It provides a forum that allows students to anonymously report acts of bullying in a safe and effective manner without requiring their direct involvement or intervention.
It is intended to be used by both victims and witnesses.
Get the App
Download the Bullybox app
Open the app on your device and complete the easy-to-use reporting template
The information is automatically emailed to Oxley High Schools designated staff member for further investigation.
While it is preferable for students to speak with staff directly so they can be offered support, if they don't wish to talk to someone they can use this app to pass their concerns on.
Reword is tool that works by flagging inflammatory content as the user types by highlighting potentially harmful phrases.
It works in a similar manner to spellcheckers and it is hoped that awareness of content will enable users to choose more constructive wording.
It is a free Google Chrome extension available at Reword.it for desktop devices.
For further information in relation to dealing with bullying and cyber-bullying, please see our links to Websites That Address Bullying.
Links to Websites That Address Bullying Issues
Bullying. No Way!
The Bullying. No Way! site was developed by the Safe and Supportive School Communities (SSSC) Project, which is made up of representatives from all Australian education jurisdictions – all state, territory and federal education departments, as well as national Catholic and independent schooling representatives. Members are working together to create learning environments where every student and school community member is safe, supported, respected, valued – and free from bullying.
Cybersmart is a national cybersafety and cybersecurity education program managed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), as part of the Australian Government's 2008 commitment to cybersafety. The program is specifically designed to meet the needs of its target audiences of children, young people, parents, teachers and library staff.
Links For Students